October 6, 2009
Today I was in the RC-Referral Center…and I said a prayer just after I made two calls and no one answered! ….I asked Heavenly Father to help me talk to people that needed to hear what I had to say and be open…I talked to 8 people on the phone and 6 people said that they wanted to learn more and meet with missionaries! I love this work, because it’s not my job to be “preachy” to people but just tell them what I know and how it’s changed my life forever and eternity and how it can help them, but they can find out for themselves…not just take my word for it! One phone call in particular…a girl 27 ish…she ordered a free Bible…I believe…so I was calling to make sure she received it…she said she had…and last time she had met with missionaries…but she had a bad experience and because of a lot of different things she didn’t have a good experience…so we talked for about 10min.. and she told me of how her mother is a devout Baptist and how she started to really talk badly about Mormons when she found out that her daughter met with missionaries…and this made the daughter even more confused and have a difficult time…so I offered my own suggestion, to meet with Sister missionaries…to be open and honest of how you feel so they can know what you expect and then just to take it slow…then she can make her own decision which is informed and choose for herself…she was so sweet, and by the end she expressed that she would love for the Sisters to come over and explain more…I love it! Its an amazing thing when you see people change…well Hear people change…that you can have an impact on some ones life that you do not know…that you are just on the phone with, but they are sent to you for a reason! I love it. Well I have been meeting an awful lot of people from all over the world…especially Scotland ha ha at Conference a Scottish man came up to me, older (senior missionary) and was telling me all about life in Scotland woo hooo! I love it…also meet people from Australia…they all said that I was more than welcome to come stay when I visited Australia that we could be friends! LOVE IT they are all amazing people that come here! Heavenly Father really knows what we need, even if it is a trial or tribulation, He wants us to grow and trust in HIM!! The day after conference weekend…Monday we were told that we were allowed to sleep in!! AmAZinG! Till 9 am…then was able to ponder life and have some great prayer that morning just relaxing and loving life! We all needed it here…our feet were about to fall off ha ha. A pedicure sounds nice right about now…I would like my foot between a rock and a hard place..seriously…I want them rubbed ha ha…any volunteers? LOL!!
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