September 15, 2009

Hey there :D things are crazy here in Utah...yesterday it rained - hurricane crazy rain for a bit - I got soaked! Woo hoo ha the work goes on. So this morning went for the first time to the Salt Lake temple...wowzers its amazing...beautiful on the inside, like nothing I've seen before way cool!!! Things have been going much better this week, just a ton of work, lots of people to talk to and keep spirits and energy up for 12 hrs a day is challenging but worth it...sleep here is like ...OK I'm going to close my eyes for rest and five seconds later..boom the alarm clock is ringing. Someone needs to turn the sun off for about 5 more hours :D ...but its great!! Let’s see...well I've been on exchanges with the District leader and zone leader so’s a lot of fun and we do that in the first transfer so everyone can learn a couple different ways, it’s very fun and I love the sisters - Sister Allred is super cute from Arizona Scottsdale woo hooo and then sister Tuiasoa she is the Zone leader and then the Assistants to the President Sister Ketcher and sister Kai from Hawaii and hilarious :D So I’m making more friends here slowly but surely....and starting to figure out how things work here. I have a couple stories I want to share since I have some time...well the other day I was on exchanges with Sister Tuiasoa (she is beautiful) from California ..we were standing at the West Gate waiting for people to come in and give them a tour at random on the was slow that we were just chatting and for some reason we turned around (our backs to the gate) and was saying hi to another sister or something...then we turned back around and boom...ED, he looked like Mr Clean :D but he was so nice and just ready to go on a off we went - he is probably around 40, married, in town on business, and just stopped by out of sheer curiosity (because his boss is Mormon) so he has only been to church 2 times in his life willingly he says :D ha ha. and then not really ever been out of BC (British Columbia ) until 3 years ago to travel ...but he was very nice!!! So we started our tour and then all of a sudden this random guy comes running in the gate with a mini suitcase and spastic a little...we come to find out that he is a member of the church and familiar but was so funny during the tour asking the most random questions about the chimney on the AH (assembly hall) and random details of funny :D . then there is Ed sitting there just smiling and nice wondering who this other guy is ha ha ha...anywho Ed was really receptive to what we were saying ( a nice thing about temple square is that we aren’t there to preach to people...otherwise I wouldn't be one wants to be preached too...) (rather just explaining about buildings and pioneer stories and incorporate some doctrine so people know what’s going on :D ) soo we take them on a tour for 30 min. at the end Ed gives us a referral (he wants to be delivered a free book of Mormon from the church and meet briefly with the missionaries for more information) YAY! So amazing...then I mentioned the North Visitors it tells more in depth about prophets and Joseph Smith etc. he asks us to take him Sister Tuiasoa and I take him to the North Visitor a place in the "basement" called scriptures & revelation...very neat place...lots of interactive anywho we take him around tell him about Joseph Smith and the first vision...then about the values of the people now and of the pioneers and what they went through... he kept saying that he was getting chills and weirded out a little because he felt so good about what we were saying. So that was amazing and it was a great experience to share how I came to know the church, that it’s not about what others tell you or say or their testimony...but ultimately its between you and Heavenly Father, that he will tell you on His own if the Book of Mormon is true. He was so excited. On paper this story is a little less exciting - I lack the words to express it. But it was an amazing opportunity and people like Ed make being on a mission just gives you hope and to know that it’s true. Well tomorrow is Zone Conference...and apparently we do something fun for the first half of the day, an activity, and study as I look forward to that!! But pretty much you work all eat whenever you can, snack whenever possibly, eat even if you don’t like what your chewing and then sleep ha ha... so it’s great!! Unfortunately here on Temple Square no one feeds us...not even for fun, we have to make our own our own food, and generally we have no time to actually cook, lots of ramen and pasta and rice - but its yummy....I eat cereal or bagels in the morning..Special K red berry is delicious ( I drink soy milk now too..) its good..and blueberry bagels with cream cheese and a vitamin water (only a 1$ at Wal-Mart) ha ha ...funny thing about Wal-Mart is last week a guy stopped us and we ended up talking to him for 30 min. ( a return missionary) and we got a friend referral for someone in Russia I we contact everywhere at every time and the rule is here guests come first (p-day, break, anything the guest is most important) so that sort of break is often taken away but for a better purpose than sleep ha ha. I hope everyone is doing super great. Oh before I go everyone needs to try seedless grapes (red) and put them in the’s my new favorite treat. They are addictive (yeah it’s just plain grapes so its weird) but yummy none the less.. Hope all is well...write me :D

Utah Salt Lake City Temple Mission
Sister Jessica Wingate
50 NW Temple Street
Salt Lake City, UT 84150-1006

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