Feb 2010
Great news this week with hard work.....We receive 24 people's numbers from a man that we can contact and share more in Botswana, and NEW! Zimbabwe and South Africa :) That is such a blessing....also we have given some of our Botswana people to other sisters because we are over flowing with people to contact and only have 2 hours because of the nine hour time difference from here to Africa. It is amazing and we have spoken with many wonderful people - they are so humble and accepting of the teachings of Jesus Christ and ready to learn and grow - they are beautiful people. We also received 10 people's numbers from one person on Temple Square when we were out talking with people the other day ....and then in the Referral Center (On the phones) I got 23 phone numbers for friends and family members to call - it has been a wonderful week and people have been so willing and understanding to share Jesus Christ with others that they love. We are excited this week to attend the Temple - we have a time block of a couple hours a day that we can go to the Temple for the next 2 weeks ...that will be fun to go to the Temple and spend so much time there :)!!!! We are so blessed in this mission to be able to gather together and hear from our Mission President on a moments notice.
Feb 2010
Today we met 2 men from New Orleans and were able to speak with them and share some of the Family History center with them - how important family is and then able to help find some ancestors of theirs yay! They were survivors of Hurricane Katrina, how amazing - one of them said that their friend had 12 feet of water in the kitchen...and then another friends house had a cow living in the kitchen for a couple of weeks, until someone came and got it out! how funny.......
There is a talk that you should read ----I read it this morning it is called
"The Best is Yet to be" by Elder Holland (EVERYONE SHOULD READ!!!)
There is a talk that you should read ----I read it this morning it is called
"The Best is Yet to be" by Elder Holland (EVERYONE SHOULD READ!!!)
Feb 2010
We are going to the Masonic Temple today for a tour - to see what it is all about - and learn more....and then tonight having a gathering at one of the Sisters houses for a little relax and fun . I had a dream that I got called outbound. Whatever happens I know that it is what heavenly Father would have me do... I am learning and growing each and every day it is such an amazing experience!!! I've seen a huge change in myself and my priorities.
Feb 2010
Well to let you know about my companion her name is Sister McKinlay and she is from Michigan -just returned from 2 transfers outbound she went to Minnesota -she is 23 and a wonderful missionary! We get along SOOOO Goood!!!! It is wonderful and fun, we laugh ALL the time!! I feel so blessed to be with her it is a lot of fun!
Today we were able to contact someone in Sierra Lionne in Africa - and from there received 5 phone numbers to others who want to hear more...so we are talking to people there now as well ----how amazing!!! This mission has changed me so much already and given me strength in handling different situations and given me much knowledge on life. It is a wonderful and strange experience to know every day that a piece of the "Old You" is sloughing off and you are able to see the shiny new you underneath....I hope that I will be able to keep up the studying and interest in all things like I have more ----even to a greater extent than now!
The weather here is random....NO snow!! and we have only had about 2 or 3 snowstorms other than that...Nada! - spring is just around the corner!! I am excited to see what else happens this transfer -life is going good and I just moved next door to where I lived before in a lovely apartment. I have been trying to cook more - and it has been SOO fun - so I bought an apron this morning for fun...to cook in :) and I love it!! So next week on our P-day we are planning a gathering with our district in chat and having a dinner and get to know you time...so it should be a lot of fun and I am going to cook!! WOO HOOO.
Today we were able to contact someone in Sierra Lionne in Africa - and from there received 5 phone numbers to others who want to hear more...so we are talking to people there now as well ----how amazing!!! This mission has changed me so much already and given me strength in handling different situations and given me much knowledge on life. It is a wonderful and strange experience to know every day that a piece of the "Old You" is sloughing off and you are able to see the shiny new you underneath....I hope that I will be able to keep up the studying and interest in all things like I have more ----even to a greater extent than now!
The weather here is random....NO snow!! and we have only had about 2 or 3 snowstorms other than that...Nada! - spring is just around the corner!! I am excited to see what else happens this transfer -life is going good and I just moved next door to where I lived before in a lovely apartment. I have been trying to cook more - and it has been SOO fun - so I bought an apron this morning for fun...to cook in :) and I love it!! So next week on our P-day we are planning a gathering with our district in chat and having a dinner and get to know you time...so it should be a lot of fun and I am going to cook!! WOO HOOO.
Feb 2010
Well I have some really exciting news from CHAT - we have 2 baptism schedule January 2nd 2010......are you ready, sitting down....in Botswana!!!!!!!!! In AFRICA! ohhh man it’s cool : ) that is 2 so far...we have other friends to talk too....but it’s amazing, that we came to Temple Square and now have a chance to help others, in Africa!! It’s amazing : ). YAY!!
It really is getting quite cold here, but we try to stay indoors as much as humanly possible...and since we are in CHAT that makes it even better...either CHAT or the North Visitors Center is where I am : ) Well CHAT is IN the North so I'm always here : ) Life is going good, a lot of work to do .... I love it - there are so many sisters that I just love. I know people ALL over the world now. Sweden, England, Argentina, Russia, Mongolia -and those are just the Sisters that I am really close with. So it’s amazing!!
Here is the link to watch the Christmas Devotional the First Presidency. I was able to go (all the Sisters on Temple Square went...) The Talks are ALL about family, Jesus Christ and season of Christmas....it’s about an hour, and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir is performing as well - it’s beautiful!
It really is getting quite cold here, but we try to stay indoors as much as humanly possible...and since we are in CHAT that makes it even better...either CHAT or the North Visitors Center is where I am : ) Well CHAT is IN the North so I'm always here : ) Life is going good, a lot of work to do .... I love it - there are so many sisters that I just love. I know people ALL over the world now. Sweden, England, Argentina, Russia, Mongolia -and those are just the Sisters that I am really close with. So it’s amazing!!
Here is the link to watch the Christmas Devotional the First Presidency. I was able to go (all the Sisters on Temple Square went...) The Talks are ALL about family, Jesus Christ and season of Christmas....it’s about an hour, and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir is performing as well - it’s beautiful!
Dec 2009
I have finally updated the blog. I am sorry that it has taken me so long. Don't forget to look at the newest pictures. Have fun on reading what is going on in the world of Sister Wingate.
Dec 2009
Well Life is going great here on the mission, It gets exhausting staring at a computer screen for so long each day, and teachings, and Loving everyone….But can I say…it’s amazing work!! To bring others closer to Jesus Christ, to know who HE is…not just some random guy who died, but Someone who is of PERSONAL importance to us all! And Heavenly Father, is not just “GOD” the ominous being all around, everywhere, that is a mystery….but HE loves us, and when we make that connection, that HE loves us…that is when prayer becomes real and sincere, because we are talking to our Literal Father in Heaven…He cares. It’s great to see the change people make in their lives for it all…that everyone has a desire to be better, the light of Christ is in EVERYONE and that is amazing!! We have had a rough week, we had an investigator, ready for baptism, and there was a big situation that took place, and it didn’t work out in the end….it was a very long, sad process…but in the end we had to put him in the hands of the bishop in the local ward. We have grown to love all of the people that we teach, even though it’s through email and over the phone, to feel the love that Heavenly Father has for them, even when people fall, and feel like they aren’t worth it…we love them more, not because we feel bad for them, but because they are our own brothers and sisters…from a loving Heavenly Father!! ALL is invested in this work, and it’s a draining time some days –constant prayer, agonizing in your brain what will happen, devastation if people are hurt or sad or don’t want to continue, crying, laughing etc.….but again…all worth it! It’s going great here! And I’m working to be a better missionary every day, we are all weak but Heavenly Father gave us weaknesses so that we may be stronger as we turn to Him for Help!! : )
You know I have a feeling I may be with Sister Mondaca again this next transfer (which we find out Monday!!) and transfer day is Wednesday….it’s crazy! I’m going to be in my 3rd transfer!! And after this next transfer I will have been here 6 months about…so it’s going by super fast!!!!!! I’ll have one year left, after this next transfer ha ha its insanity!!! The holiday’s are coming up, how insane is that!! We will be having a mission dinner it seems, and then getting off “work” at 5 pm instead of 9pm so it’s a nice break for that Holiday time!! Life here has been fun, full of ups and downs here…but it’s such an amazing learning experience, I feel like you won’t recognize me when I get home….who are we kidding, at the end of the day I’m still me just a better version and I love that!! I feel like I’ve had a lot of experience and time to grow, and learn things that I wouldn’t normally learn in (Life) but this is life, this is real, and I love the work…I am learning stories more and more about the Bible and Book of Mormon…there is never a point that we can stop progressing, so it’s amazing! I’ve realized that at the end of the day all I can do is change myself, not others…and the purpose of being on a mission is not to change others, or force them to “convert” but it’s their own choice….we are just mere guides along this journey…it’s something that is between us and Heavenly Father, our feelings in our heart and mind….not anyone else.
You know I have a feeling I may be with Sister Mondaca again this next transfer (which we find out Monday!!) and transfer day is Wednesday….it’s crazy! I’m going to be in my 3rd transfer!! And after this next transfer I will have been here 6 months about…so it’s going by super fast!!!!!! I’ll have one year left, after this next transfer ha ha its insanity!!! The holiday’s are coming up, how insane is that!! We will be having a mission dinner it seems, and then getting off “work” at 5 pm instead of 9pm so it’s a nice break for that Holiday time!! Life here has been fun, full of ups and downs here…but it’s such an amazing learning experience, I feel like you won’t recognize me when I get home….who are we kidding, at the end of the day I’m still me just a better version and I love that!! I feel like I’ve had a lot of experience and time to grow, and learn things that I wouldn’t normally learn in (Life) but this is life, this is real, and I love the work…I am learning stories more and more about the Bible and Book of Mormon…there is never a point that we can stop progressing, so it’s amazing! I’ve realized that at the end of the day all I can do is change myself, not others…and the purpose of being on a mission is not to change others, or force them to “convert” but it’s their own choice….we are just mere guides along this journey…it’s something that is between us and Heavenly Father, our feelings in our heart and mind….not anyone else.